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Test Lab Area => DIY Area => Topic started by: GunnerMang on May 09, 2015, 08:35:32 PM
Hi guys i was hoping some of you guys can give some input on this project im tring. I found some vids of a Japanese that made a machine for the Breast sex toys. and wanted to try it. I order a set of boobs and like them so i ask the guy for info on the machine he posted pic but he doesnt talk English so all i have are pic in Japanese. i have an idea on how to make but was hoping you guys can may be read the Japanese text on the pics and have any input on making it or improving. if you guys want to i will post a DIY when i make mine.
So far i ordered the machine in the photo. I have a the A4 tray but not the same one so i have to cut it. and i have sheets of plastic to make the holder for the boobs. from my guess I have to remove the blue holder and with the tray have to put brackets to hook the tray to the machine. but the question is in the first pic the hole cut on the side of the tray i dont know if thats needed. on the boob tray cut it the size as in the pic and bend it like so and make its strong with the brackets. But i see he has 2 pads one i dont know what i can use for them and what size and i dont know what they used for. maybe its to raise the tits so the middle lower and for a better fit for your penis. but ya any tip would be great. i dont know if i can link vids but if i can i link him using it.
Never heard of this machine. What is it supposed to do? Is it a stroking machine or justa frame to hold the boobs in place? Couldn't tell from the pics.
its a stroking machine here a link of it in use of course you gonna see the guy penis so you been warned.
I also think i might be able to make a mount for a Hip too. Im waiting on the Machine to come i will see if i can get this to work.
from the video, it looks pretty interesting...I'd love to have something like this haha
I agree. It seems to be a little loud but that could be because the camera was so close. If this could be adapted to fit a Meiki Plush hip, oh boy! I would like one too. It would be awesome paired with the variety of onaholes that can be used with the Plush.
For those wondering what the machine is. It's a Chi machine. Cheaper ones seems to be around 100 dollars or so.
Oh and, for the lulz.
It even comes with weirdly matching music. God I'm never going to be able to look at electric appliances the same again.
stick a onahole on that bottle shaking machine...i'd be on it all day~~~ 8)
Sorry to revive a dead topic, but I've been looking all over for something that could automate tits for tit fucking. Has anyone figured out the setup for this machine?
In case anyone still wants to know I thought Id translate this. It says :
parts needed are:
a goldfish exercise machine (金魚運動器) you can youtube it
a dimmer switch
A4 card case
A4 desk tray
The A4 desk tray, L brackets, Reinforcement plates,
and strong double sided tape were all picked up at Daiso (This is like the dollar store in Japan.)
attached under the part the tits ride on are the L brackets to attatch to the machine
remove the screws from the foot platform, then the place where the screws were
drill through to the other side with 4.2mm bit.
then use M4 x 40mm countersink head screws to put through the holes.
Thats all of the text so I suppose you just gotta use your imagination for the rest of the assembly.
Hoping that someone can share their setup or give a more in depth explanation
Lol interesting concept. Was someone able to put this one together?