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Packaging (Canada, if it matters)
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Topic: Packaging (Canada, if it matters) (Read 2676 times)
Baby Demon
Posts: 3
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Packaging (Canada, if it matters)
March 09, 2015, 03:39:49 PM »
I just ordered a item from TD and just wondering if indeed they send it in an ambiguous brown parcel box, as I've read. I prefer not to be known as the guy who buys adult toys on the internet, by my roommates, especially since I go to work and might not even be there to receive the item directly.
Master Demon
Posts: 1508
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Re: Packaging (Canada, if it matters)
Reply #1 on:
March 10, 2015, 08:10:12 AM »
From all the toys Ive bought here, it's always been either plain brown box or the default USPS white boxes...I haven't had any problems with TD packaging so far.... maybe a few package was slightly crushed and worn out by the time I received it...but I blame the shipping carrier for that.. I'm sure the package was tossed around a few time along the way here.
Jr. Demon
Posts: 94
Props: 3
Re: Packaging (Canada, if it matters)
Reply #2 on:
August 11, 2015, 06:09:20 PM »
More important is what us the artwork on the box. What would a right-wing Customs officer on a mission, or a jealous not getting laid feminist or a 'liberal' just-following-the-rules Customs officer (same-same but different) think seeing the cartoon? Does the very unconvincing copy of a real human being look 21, 18, 15, 12 or like an infant?
Yes, I know it's all fantasy but Anglo nations are insane in this area. Exercise caution.
There is a lesbian sex toy store in Vancouver that labels its smaller sex toys 'not to be used by persons under 18' (even though it is NOT illegal for 16-year olds, and maybe others) to do so. Maybe it is illegal to sell though. I bought some double dildos for games in Asia where my partners are petite and I found the whole thing (so to speak) absurd. Japan has sensible laws in this area. We are talking about *objects* ferkrisake, NOT people. Welcome to the State with its gun to your head
Even the NDP, the so-called progressive party in Canada, opposed or abstained from voting against conservative new real sex laws. The seventies and 80s liberal sexual attitudes are dead in Canada and it is a global phenomena.
Does Toy Demon offer to remove original packaging, CDs, artwork etc? If so, is there an extra fee?
But even *no* artwork will not save you in some countries. I know of at least one country (albeit in Asia) where sex toys are illegal to import or sell. Vibrators are illegal in Cambodia. 'Obscene materials' is a very wide net. I suppose that many Muslim countries and some African nations are likewise anti-sex.
Canada has strict laws agaibst 'advocating or counselling sex with persons for whom sex would be illegal' some such legalese. You would think that would mean sitting down and for an hour advising a middle school girl to become a hooker in order to be prepared to pay for her college education. But it has been interpreted much broader than that. Trust me, I speak from direct experience. Text alone, questioning certain laws or even *reporting the news* has been construed by some Prosecutors in Canada as 'child pornography'. I kid you not. Rather similar to the 'lacsivious display of the genitals' in the USA, even when there is no display, let alone any visible genitals, because the viewer could *imagine* such. Look up the Knox case.
The world has gone mad. We are going backwards. And if we continue to vote for the same old parties, nothing will change. And it is getting worse by the year.
In Canada fantasy material can be a serious criminal offense. I would argue that Toy Demon is taking a chance even in the USA and is therefore an accident waiting to happen..
Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 06:52:15 PM by hermes
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