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MPD with Quty tits
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Topic: MPD with Quty tits (Read 3915 times)
Baby Demon
Posts: 14
Props: 1
MPD with Quty tits
April 22, 2016, 12:00:00 PM »
Thanks to the recent TD sale, I received my new MPD a couple of days ago. I also received a pair of soft Quty tits.
Thanks to past contributions by qutyfan, SonicBoom, Vspot and Master6778, I added 12 lbs of weight to the legs and torso (via an incision inside the onahole cavity), and have the bodyshaper that qutyfan suggested. It works really well! The MPD is definitely better off to have some weight to keep it stable, especially in missionary postion.
A few notes:
1. I think 12lb makes it too heavy. Will probably go down to 8.
2. I did pull some stuffing out of the breasts to mount the Quty tits under the shapewear, but put some back to make the tits more prominent.
3. Small bits of stuffing escape from the incision, so I'll be stitching some velcro onto it to keep it closed whilst still allowing access to add/remove weight.
4. I definitely think it needs the velcro for the Quty tits. They look great with the shapewear, but they would feel better unencumbered or underneath some free-flowing fabric that's not having to hold them in-place (eg a satin camisole). So I got some white 1"-wide low-profile industrial velcro and will be sewing that on.
5. ZXY sticks out quite a bit, so I may order one of the Tomax onaholes.
6. The bodyshaper is just a tiny bit too long in the torso, between the crotch and the breast-underside.
For the velcro, I'm assuming that people krazyglue the fabric side to the Quty tits, and sew the stiffer nylon-hooks side onto the MPD? I am wondering if I need to cover the whole tits' underside surface with velcro, or if a couple of 1" strips on each would work... I want to be feeling Quty tits as much as possible, not velcro-backing.
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