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Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish)
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Topic: Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish) (Read 6439 times)
Baby Demon
Posts: 12
Props: 4
Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish)
November 14, 2013, 03:09:32 PM »
I purchased the Meiki Maria Ozawa Saturday 11/9 after browsing the site for almost 2 weeks trying to make a decision. I'm thankful for this site for a variety of reasons which I will elaborate on below. I initially heard about this line of toys from someone on a sex forum somewhere. I really don't remember exactly which one, but at the time I do remember thinking of the 17 Bordeaux, which to be honest held little appeal for me. After a bit of searching I ended up at an international retailer where my interest was fully piqued. I thought the prices were decent even including the international shipping, however the site didn't really go into enough detail for me so after a tiny bit of additional targeted searching for reviews I quickly ended up here.
This site had wonderful detailed photos and descriptions and a variety of intricate user reviews that finally sold me on the Meiki line. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the reactions from such a diverse audience. Here is a very brief summary of my toy history. I am in my mid 30's, happily married with several children and a wonderful sex life that includes a variety of already purchased toys. Toys for her, toys for me, rubber, latex, silicone, glass you name it. A year ago I was introduced to a certain male oriented sleeve company that will remain nameless because I am not comfortable adding yet another review that may potentially come across as damaging to their reputation. I enjoyed their products, and will continue to enjoy them. Comparing the 2 is like comparing apples to oranges in my opinion. Their product model is to sculpt real external organs and add fantasy/virtual textures. Meiki toys attack the issue from the opposite end, no pun intended. NPG seems more focused on sculpting life like internals for simulation of realism. I approve of both. Anyway, on to the review!
I purchased the Maria Ozawa this past Saturday. I knew that I didn't have to check on the order until Monday because hey, no one really likes to work on the weekend! I chose the MO over the ZXY and the YJY as my first purchase in no small part due to the number of reviews concerning realism. I believe it was STJ and Tyler Durden's comments that finally sold me on Maria, and one other I think. When I remember his name I will add it to this review. By the way these guys deserve props, ToyDemon, in exchange for a straight commission!
SHIPPING (10/10)
I logged back into the site Monday and as expected the order was being processed. Tuesday the order had changed to complete and the item had shipped. Wednesday it showed up at the processing center for my area. This morning I get an email from USPS saying that my package had been delivered. USPS 2 day Priority shipping, provided for free by ToyDemon, and it arrived exactly 2 days later.
I arrived at the Post Office to lick it up and took it to the car. I opened the box to check the contents. Sorry no pictures. There are plenty enough pictures in other reviews and I really don't want to eat up the site's bandwidth! I had a few other stops to make including the grocery store before I headed home...I couldn't keep my mind off of it! Arriving home, I stopped in the driveway and removed the toy from its box. It felt wonderfully soft. I checked the position of the tunnel and, hooray! It wasn't horribly off center! (It is a tad off center, but I'll get to that in a moment.) I went inside and opened up the package again and removed everything and looked at it. I didn't open the lubricant because in mind I wouldn't be using it until later tonight. I was planning on warming both the toy and the lubricant for a realistic feel. In hindsight, I knew in the back of my mind what would actually happen.
. (Rolls Eyes) I stuck a finger into it. It felt great although at this point I couldn't tell you about its realism because how many people frequently insert a finger into a dry vagina? So I added a tiny bit of lubricant to it and reinserted my finger. Now I could feel things. It felt surprisingly realistic. Of course the next thing I now had to determine was how it felt on my penis. Only for a tiny bit, I told myself, maybe a couple of strokes. I laid it down and wrapped a towel around it. A mini stroke for insertion and 1 full stroke later I was buried in it with the lube spread evenly inside it. This point is when I determined that it was a little bit off center. At a guess, the tunnel is halfway between perfectly centered and the extreme cases I have read about where it veers all of the way to one of the walls. I couldn't see any bulging from the side and was only able to get an estimate by gently squeezing from either side to determine its location. Hopefully this means that the extreme defects will be no more and not adding a second defect option to the mix!
OK, so I was one and a half strokes into it and was finally able to analyze things. I have to tell you, even coldish and maybe improperly lubed it felt soooo realistic. Not loose, actually a tiny bit on the tight side and pretty perfect in sensation. I hadn't had to use my hand in over a decade so maybe that is the reason I could feel everything from the first use. I stroked into it again and by this time it had warmed up considerably. On the way back in I could feel every caress, fold and curve of this now apparent, vaginal replica. I have only had a single vagina for the past 14 years, but my little guy knew exactly what was going on and what had to happen. See he's smart. He knows that sex toys feel good and produce great sensations, but this was something that he remembered the feeling of from before my marriage. Granted, he had been tricked by this replica but he didn't know it. To him it was the new feeling of...different...strange...tight...fresh vagina! Nine full strokes later I was spent. I am very analytical except when it comes to comparing orgasms. I can't compare intensities when it comes to the real thing. All I can safely say is that the orgasm was like those that can only be produced vaginally. It built steadily across the plateau portion and the climax was intense and skin tingling followed by a slightly shorter resolution than compared to an orgasm induced by an actual vagina. I think the last is probably due to the fact that it was coldish when I entered it.
Very easy actually. I rinsed it underneath a running faucet. Filled it with 70% isopropyl alcohol, dumped it and rinsed it again. I left it turned upside down over a towel to dry.
OVERALL VALUE (Rounded to 9/10)
I feel that it was and will be worth every penny spent. I was frankly nervous about possible off centering but I feel much better knowing that this unit at least doesn't seem to be truly defective. Albeit imperfect maybe but not dangerously defective. My overall feelings are truly mixed right now between love and hate for this company...and the Japanese especially. Love the quality of the product...hate the amount of money that I will soon and surely spend on more! I was skeptical about its quality of replication because of all of the hype floating around here and internationally, but I have to hand it to NPG. It's the closest you're going to get to an actual vagina. Its construction and attention to detail are simply outstanding. I urge potential buyers to read as many competing reviews as they can stand to get an idea of the best and worst cases of what to expect. If you masturbate with your hand, expect the worst at first. If you don't currently over stimulate, expect the best from the get go.
"One says the silent man is the wise man and the other man without words is a man without thought."- East of Eden
"One says the silent man is the wise man and the other man without words is a man without thought."- East of Eden
Jr. Demon
Posts: 51
Props: 16
Re: Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish)
Reply #1 on:
November 14, 2013, 03:56:56 PM »
Thanks for the review. You might want to change shipping into aesthetics or durability, or have both categories. Toy Demon is very good at timeliness of orders and are quite consistent.
I always put off the Maria since I keep considering other alternatives that are cheaper. I guess I'll put the order up if a black friday deal pops up.
Also, I guess your next step after realism is to go with over-kill sensation. Grab a Tengu and see how they go bat {expletive} crazy with their flip or 3d models.
Baby Demon
Posts: 12
Props: 4
Re: Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish)
Reply #2 on:
November 14, 2013, 04:55:08 PM »
Found the 3rd poster's name, by the way. boldav49
I will check those out sometime next week, crux, after I finally choose between YJY and ZXY.
As far as aesthetics, the labia etc were so so. The ones made by the unmentionable company are slightly better than this, but again that's their focus I believe. I found this item to be no more floppy than other soft masturbators that I currently own. If anything it seemed a tiny bit more resilient.
As far as durability, I will check back here as time passes for update (s).
Thanks for the comments.
"One says the silent man is the wise man and the other man without words is a man without thought."- East of Eden
"One says the silent man is the wise man and the other man without words is a man without thought."- East of Eden
Jr. Demon
Posts: 51
Props: 16
Re: Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish)
Reply #3 on:
November 15, 2013, 09:17:37 PM »
stein, I'm a tad confused on your last post. Did you mix up your threads?
Baby Demon
Posts: 12
Props: 4
Re: Another Meiki Maria Ozawa Review (Longish)
Reply #4 on:
November 16, 2013, 06:51:54 PM »
Is this the thread that you are referring to?
"One says the silent man is the wise man and the other man without words is a man without thought."- East of Eden
"One says the silent man is the wise man and the other man without words is a man without thought."- East of Eden
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