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If I bought only one meiki which one would be the best choice?
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Topic: If I bought only one meiki which one would be the best choice? (Read 3286 times)
Baby Demon
Posts: 3
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If I bought only one meiki which one would be the best choice?
April 11, 2012, 06:39:17 AM »
I am thinking of xyz?Is it a good one?
I have a lot of fleshlight.I heard that meiki xyz is way better than a fleshlight so I am wondering if i should buy one:)
Baby Demon
Posts: 22
Props: 1
Re: If I bought only one meiki which one would be the best choice?
Reply #1 on:
April 14, 2012, 12:38:34 AM »
You mean the "ZXY?" Thats probably the most recommended and most popular sleeve aside from the Maria Ozawa one. The Maria is supposedly more realistic? Its a product from the same maker of ZXY except older and based off the older single layer design so I think it would be logical just to go for ZXY.. it is AMAZING. Supposedly neither of these sleeves are particularly stimulating or tight, their main selling point is realism. Im sure the other sleeves are good too, but most of them have some serious flaw that attracts bad reviews, like weak points that tear too easily, or canals that just arnt very exciting.
Whichever one you end up getting, you wont be disappointed. The NPG products make such a huge difference to using your hand that you cant even compare. Like driving a new Benzo versus riding a shopping cart.. lol
Baby Demon
Posts: 3
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Re: If I bought only one meiki which one would be the best choice?
Reply #2 on:
April 14, 2012, 01:29:31 PM »
Thanks for you reply:)
I got a meiki which was with the wood box(I think it is the oldest one?) a long time ago.I was kinda disappointed with it, because it is not as soft as my fleshlight and the texture was not very good either:<
I am wondering if they improved the material when they made the meiki zxy..
Baby Demon
Posts: 22
Props: 1
Re: If I bought only one meiki which one would be the best choice?
Reply #3 on:
April 16, 2012, 02:22:16 PM »
I dont know about those old ones, but the ZXY was pretty damn soft. I think they actually added the inner layer to give a firmer feel because the base material is TOO soft.
If its soft you want though, you could try this one:
Its supposedly super durable and can be flipped inside-out to clean, which is a luxury the ZXY doesnt offer.
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